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ChatGPT Under Scrutiny: Poland Investigates OpenAI for GDPR Violations



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Poland’s Personal Data Protection Office (UODO) has launched an investigation into OpenAI, a company backed by tech giant Microsoft, over alleged violations of European Union data protection laws, specifically the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The investigation stems from a complaint regarding OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot.

The complaint, lodged by an undisclosed individual, alleges that ChatGPT generated false information about them and that OpenAI failed to rectify these inaccuracies. Furthermore, the complainant expressed frustration in not being able to ascertain which of their personal data was processed by the company and claimed to have received evasive and misleading responses to their inquiries.

Jan Nowak, the President of Poland’s Personal Data Protection Office, stated, “The case concerns the violation of many provisions on the protection of personal data, so we will ask Open AI to answer a number of questions.”

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OpenAI has not yet issued a response to the recent allegations.

Legal Battles Mount Against OpenAI

This development comes on the heels of at least the second class action lawsuit filed against OpenAI in the San Francisco federal court, accusing the organization of breaching privacy laws. The company did not respond to requests for comment following the recent lawsuit.

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Aside from privacy-related cases, several tech companies, including Microsoft, OpenAI, Google, and Stability AI, have faced legal action pertaining to the scraping of copyrighted materials and personal data from the internet. These data are used to train their generative AI systems.

ChatGPT: A Rapid Rise to Consumer Fame

OpenAI’s ChatGPT, despite legal challenges, has achieved immense popularity, making it the fastest-growing consumer application in history. In a mere two months since its launch, the platform amassed a staggering 100 million active users by January of this year. This swift growth has solidified its position in the tech world.

Microsoft, having recognized the potential of ChatGPT, invested billions of dollars in OpenAI, further propelling the rise of this influential AI application.

OpenAI has yet to release a statement addressing the ongoing investigations and legal battles.

As the scrutiny into data privacy intensifies, the outcomes of these investigations will likely have far-reaching implications for the AI industry and data protection regulations worldwide.


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