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#ShameOnMetaAI is Trending on X (Twitter) for This Shocking Reason!

X users claim Meta AI’s double standards by allowing jokes on Hindu gods while avoiding jokes on Islamic figures, raising concerns about bias and neutrality in content moderation.



Meta AI on WhatsApp

Meta AI, integrated within WhatsApp, has recently come under fire for allegedly displaying double standards in its content moderation related to religious jokes. Users have pointed out that while Meta AI allows jokes about Hindu gods, it avoids making jokes about Islamic figures, leading to accusations of bias and lack of neutrality.

A series of screenshots circulating on social media highlight the issue. When a user asked Meta AI to make a joke about Lord Vishnu, the AI responded with, “Why did Lord Vishnu go to the beauty parlor? Because he wanted a new avatar-style haircut and a dash of divine color to match his vibrant personality!” However, when the same user requested a joke about Prophet Muhammad, Meta AI declined, stating, “I avoid jokes disrespectful to religious beliefs.”

A screenshot that has been widely shared on X

A screenshot that has been widely shared on X

This apparent inconsistency has sparked a heated debate online. Many users have expressed their dissatisfaction, claiming that Meta AI’s approach is unfair and discriminatory. One user tweeted, “Meta preaches neutrality but censors jokes about certain religions & allows jokes about Hindu gods. That’s not neutrality, that’s bias!”

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The situation has escalated to the point where some users are calling for a ban on Meta AI in India, arguing that the AI’s actions are offensive to Hindu sentiments. The hashtags #MetaHypocrisy and #BanMetaAI have gained traction, reflecting the growing discontent among the online community.

Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, has yet to issue a formal response to these allegations. The controversy highlights the challenges faced by technology companies in balancing content moderation with cultural and religious sensitivities. As AI systems become more integrated into daily communications, the need for fair and consistent policies becomes increasingly crucial.

The debate continues as users demand transparency and accountability from Meta, urging the company to ensure that its AI systems uphold principles of fairness and respect for all religious beliefs.

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