Looking For Nodal Officers Of Banks, Telecoms, Social Media? Click The Link Here To Fetch Numbers – Details Inside

NEW DELHI: If you are on the lookout for contact details of nodal officer, grievance officer or customer support of the leading bank, payment gateway, e-wallet, internet service provider (ISP), payment service provider (PSP), telecom service providers etc, here is where your search ends.
Root64 Infosec Foundation along with has created a centralized online database of Nodal officers and other important contacts of various intermediaries and service providers. You can find any nodal officer contact through this search engine.
This unique initiative is to resolve the tiresome process of finding contact details of different service providers. Police officers, investigators and even the public were facing a huge problem in finding contact details of a nodal officer in case of any emergency or investigation. The process was tedious and they had to individually search on a different website to fetch their numbers.
To ease the process we have collected all the data from different government and private bodies and have dedicated a page for it. These contact details were collected through various open sources. These details will be updated with each piece of new information. For any change or correction please write to us at – . We are open to more suggestions and innovations that can resolve a bigger problem.
Even cybercrime victims can use these numbers to get their payments blocked or directly report the matter to the concerned authorities.
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