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c0c0n2023: Kerala Police Takes A Stand Against Online Child Sexual Exploitation



c0c0n2023: Kerala Police Takes a Stand Against Online Child Sexual Exploitation

KOCHI:  In a steadfast commitment to ensuring the safety of children both online and offline, the Kerala Police organized the Counter Child Sexual Exploitation (CCSE) Track, a significant initiative aimed at tackling the hidden yet prevalent issue of online crimes against children. The event was part of the 16th edition of the c0c0n conference, focusing on protecting children from the dark realities of the internet.

A Call to Protect the Most Vulnerable

Addressing the audience at the inaugural session of the CCSE Track, Kerala Police ADGP Manoj Abraham emphasized the critical importance of safeguarding children. He acknowledged the hidden and pervasive nature of online crimes against children, shedding light on the alarming fact that this problem knows no borders and affects every corner of the world.

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ADGP Abraham pointed out that online crimes against children are not confined to a specific region or country; they transcend borders. He revealed that many law enforcement agencies remain unaware of the extent of these crimes due to their concealed nature. Such offenses often involve the exploitation of children’s images and videos for monetary gain, unbeknownst to the victims.

Online crimes against children often go undetected as they occur within the confines of homes, making it challenging for authorities to intervene without a formal complaint. Abraham stressed the need for a collective effort involving all stakeholders to address this pressing issue effectively.

The Genesis of the CCSE Center

The journey to combat online crimes against children began in 2017 when Kerala Police recognized the urgent need to address this hidden menace. They initiated the CCSE Center, an exclusive facility dedicated to protecting children’s online rights. Collaborating with experts like Guillermo Galarza Abizaid from the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC), the Kerala Police conducted training sessions and capacity-building exercises.

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The efforts paid off, with the CCSE Center successfully detecting over 1,800 cases of online crimes against children, making it one of the highest figures in the country, and perhaps even the world.

An International Endeavor

The CCSE Track event at c0c0n 2023 attracted professionals, law enforcement agencies, non-governmental organizations, and experts from across the globe, converging to address the pressing challenges faced by investigators in combating online child sexual exploitation. The discussions at the event centered around prevention, detection, and investigation of online crimes against children.

United Against Online Child Exploitation

The CCSE Track brought to light the urgent need to protect children from online sexual abuse and exploitation. It served as a platform for experts and officials to unite and define the problem while assessing the global threat posed by online facilitated child sexual abuse and exploitation.

The dedication and commitment of individuals and organizations to secure children’s online safety was commendable. Kerala Police’s initiative stands as a beacon of hope, underlining the importance of collective action to ensure the safety and well-being of our most vulnerable population—our children.


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