MUMBAI: Dr. Prabhat Shah, a 52-year-old Mumbai-based doctor, found himself ensnared in a cyber fraud incident, losing a substantial sum of over Rs 5 lakh. The...
NOIDA: Noida Police have dismantled a sprawling cyber fraud operation that exploited leaked American social security numbers. The operation, centered in a building in Sector 6,...
HYDERABAD: In a significant breakthrough, the Hyderabad police uncovered a massive investment fraud amounting to Rs 712 crore, orchestrated by Dubai-based Chinese operators, and arrested nine...
NOIDA: A new wave of sextortion cases involving morphed videos is wreaking havoc in India. Cybercriminals have escalated their deceitful tactics by demanding even larger sums...
Law enforcement agencies from Germany, Poland, and the United Kingdom, with the assistance of Europol, have successfully tracked down and apprehended the leader of a criminal...