Kevin Mitnick, the legendary hacker known for his extraordinary cybersecurity skills and social engineering prowess, has passed away at the age of 59 after bravely battling...
In a shocking incident that highlights the growing menace of cybercrime, a 14-year-old schoolboy from Babra taluka in Amreli, Gujarat, unwittingly became the focal point of...
May 2021: The world’s largest meat processing company, Brazilian-based JBS, was the victim of a ransomware attack. The attack shut down facilities in the United States,...
New Delhi: People in large number login to to get their high-security registration plate (HSRP) and colour-coded fuel stickers after the reports of heavy fine...
What happens when defenders go down. One of the leading cybersecurity firms which has clients across the globe and their job was to keep them safe...
By Satyendra Sharma and Prof. Triveni Singh, IPS At present, cyber security is the biggest concern around the globe because of fastest-growing internet technology in day...
People living in metro cities are more vulnerable to cybercrime attacks. The latest crime data released by National Crime Records Bureau data (NCRB) show a steep...