LUCKNOW: With the help of the newly launched national Cyber Crime Helpline Number – 1930 & 155260, Uttar Pradesh police have managed to retrieve around Rs...
13 मई 2021 से साइबर क्राईम पोर्टल में शुरू हुए सिटिजन फायनेंसियल फ्रॉड सिस्टम का लाभ पूरे राज्य को मिल रहा है । नई प्रणाली के...
LUCKNOW: Thousands of students and other participants from over 24 states joined a day-long National Webinar on Emerging Cyber Crime, Prevention & Modern Day Challenges by the Department of...
अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान (AIIMS) नई दिल्ली के एक डॉक्टर से साइबर अपराधियों ने 4.9 लाख रुपये ठग लिया है। हालांकि, अपराध की सूचना देने में...
NEW DELHI: Union Home Minister Amit Shah made the the national Helpline 155260 and Reporting Platform to prevent financial loss due to cyber crime operationalised on...
Cyber Crime has shown an all-time high in the Covid pandemic duration because of the increase of overall screen time by both legit and criminal sections....