Economic Fraud

The electronic media with its reach and video clippings thereof, being forwarded on the social media, together can be taken as a public platform to be reckoned with. The fourth estate exists to disseminate facts, provide well analysed narratives, have free / fair and objective editorial content, provide a variety of information critical to the citizen’s existence and finally do path breaking investigative journalism in public interest. The quality of the journalists on the field and that off the field have glaring shortcomings compared to the task they are mandated to accomplish. The editor as a pivotal position of any news publication has translated into a rabble rouser on the electronic media space.
That nobody calls them editors nor are they interested in being known that way, is sad commentary of the nature of downslide, the ever thinning TV screens have provided. The physical quality of the technology both TV and transmission are hitting the roof positively. Conversely, the quality and purpose of the content and its tenor, are already on the nose dive mode heading for an imminent crash. This is the scenario which we are in. The media has become a platform, but unlike the tech behemoth platforms; YouTube, Facebook et al, they cannot dissociate with the content, they take board. Equally important is what they don’t take on-board and even more intriguing is the treatment provided to any particular issue. The partisan nature is so conspicuous that the channels can be divided into camps today. The media platform in totality smacks of vested interests.
The search is on for the one, who can give right information in the right packaging, to the masses. It would not be a bad idea to witness their grooming mechanism in the mass communication and journalism institutes. You attract the people who are similar to you and align with the purposes which you aspire to accomplish and uphold. The sordid saga keeps on unfolding. The political battles get fought on these platforms. We have been watching it in the ongoing Rajasthan saga. The substantiated and unsubstantiated are given a heady mix, which smacks of vested interests. Everyone’s vested interest is being taken care of, but for the viewers; from the advertisers to the battle weary political satraps. The battle against COVID-19 automatically takes a back seat. What a tragedy of human existence!
Direct communication between stakeholders have become a passé. It happens through these extremely smooth media platforms. The microphones are there everywhere to pick the sound bites and they bite somebody else the very next moment. The confusion or direction created smacks of vested interest. In the Sushant Singh Rajput’s case the stakeholders talk through the media. Not appearing before them when they want to seems to have become a crime. Professional investigative issues are being discussed by the senior most police officers through media. Is media the new platform of investigative collaboration? Whatever might be the findings in this case, damage has already been done to the credibility of these institutions. Everyone is crying for justice, media is crying hoarse, who is is the dispenser of this justice? All this smacks only of vested interests, creating a directionless navigation, which suits all types of ill intentioned drivers. Fairness to hit our DNA might take a few lifetimes.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.