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Don’t Be A Victim: Complete Guide To Reporting Cyber Fraud and Getting Back Your Money In India



Don't Fall Victim: How to Report Cyber Fraud and Protect Your Finances In India

NEW DELHI: Falling victim to cyber fraud can feel like a gut punch. Your personal information, money, or even your identity might be at risk, leaving you feeling helpless and violated. But fear not, there are ways to fight back and report these crimes. Here’s your guide to navigating the process of reporting cyber fraud and taking control of the situation.

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Reaching Out for Help:

  • National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: This online portal, accessible at, is your one-stop shop for reporting cybercrime across India. You can file complaints 24/7 and track their progress. Simply click “File a Complaint,” follow the steps, and provide details of the crime. A helpful helpline (1930) is also available for assistance.
  • Local Police Station: Don’t underestimate the power of your local police. Head to your nearest station and file a formal complaint. They might have specialized cybercrime units equipped to handle your case.
  • Online Reporting: Websites like offer online complaint options, making the process convenient and accessible.

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Filing a Complaint on NCRP:

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to report cyber fraud and bring the culprits to justice.

Step 1: Access the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal

The first step in reporting cyber fraud is to visit the official National Cyber Crime Reporting portal at

Step 2: File a Complaint

Once you are on the portal’s homepage, locate and click on the ‘File a complaint’ option.

Step 3: Accept Terms and Conditions

Before proceeding, read and accept the terms and conditions presented on the following page. It’s crucial to understand your rights and responsibilities in this process.

ALSO READ: Step By Step Guide: How To File Cybercrime Complaint Online In India

Step 4: Report Other Cybercrime

Click on the ‘Report other cybercrime’ button to initiate the process of filing your complaint.

Step 5: Citizen Login

Select the ‘citizen login’ option and provide the required details, including your name, email, phone number, and more.

Step 6: Enter OTP and Captcha

Enter the OTP (One-Time Password) sent to your registered phone number and fill in the captcha to verify your identity. Then, click on the submit button to proceed.

Step 7: Fill in the Complaint Form

You will be directed to a form divided into four sections: General Information, Victim Information, Cybercrime Information, and Preview. Provide all the relevant details in each section accurately. Take a moment to review the information you’ve filled in to ensure its correctness.

Step 8: Submit Your Complaint

After verifying the information, click on the ‘Submit’ button to officially register your complaint.

Step 9: Incident Details

You will be redirected to an incident details page. Here, provide specifics and supporting evidence of the cybercrime you’re reporting. Attach any relevant documents, such as screenshots or files. Once you’ve entered the details, click on ‘Save and Next.’

Step 10: Information About the Suspect

If you have any information about the alleged suspect, the next page will prompt you to provide those details. Fill in the information if available.

Step 11: Verify and Submit

Review all the information you’ve provided and verify its accuracy. Once you are satisfied, click on the ‘Submit’ button to complete the process.

Step 12: Confirmation

You will receive a confirmation message indicating that your complaint has been successfully registered. Additionally, you will receive an email containing your complaint ID and other relevant details related to your complaint.

Documents for Proof:

Having specific documents ready can expedite investigations:

  • Proof of fraudulent transactions: Bank statements, receipts, online confirmations.
  • Supporting evidence: Emails, messages, suspicious phone logs.
  • Personal identification: Copies of ID, address proof.

Always remember, you’re not alone. Reporting cyber fraud empowers you to seek justice and helps authorities track down these criminals. Don’t hesitate to take action and protect yourself and others from these digital threats.

  • Stay vigilant: Be cautious of unexpected phone calls, emails, or online offers.
  • Secure your accounts: Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and update software regularly.
  • Report immediately: The sooner you report, the higher the chance of recovering your losses and catching the perpetrators.

Let’s work together to create a safer digital space for everyone. Report cyber fraud, stay informed, and fight back against these online criminals.

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