Protect Your Phone From Bot & Virus Using Free App Developed By CERT-In

NEW DELHI: MicroWorld has developed a free Bot Removal Tool in collaboration with Cyber Swachhta Kendra, which is part of the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), Ministry of Electronics and IT, to aid citizens in removing botnet infections and other malware from their computers.
The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) established the Cyber Swachhta Kendra to analyse bots and malware and provide extra information on dangerous software.
It’s becoming more difficult to keep data private in an age of data breaches and privacy risks. eScan CERT-In Toolkit is developed to secure data. A user can check smartphone for bots, harmful programmes, and files that are currently active. A user may also check the permissions accessed by all apps and keep an eye on any unexpected permission access in addition to scanning.
Download eScan CERT-IN Toolkit from Playstore
eScan CERT-In Bot Removal Toolkit includes the following features:
• Detect and remove the most recent botnet, virus, spyware, adware, and malware apps from devices.
• Consolidated display of threats discovered, from which the user can choose
• Cloud viral signature database

What exactly is a bot?
A mobile bot is a type of malware that runs in the background on a device that isn’t protected by an anti-virus application. Bots for mobile devices behave similarly to bots for computers. If you get infected, your device will be added to a botnet and utilised for whatever criminal acts the hacker/botnet owner can think of. A hacker can gain access to all of the data, apps, and internet activity with the malware.
What causes a device to become infected?
. Trojans, malware, and worms that are embedded with – can infect an unprotected device.
• Text and attachments in emails
• Apps that look to be real (only if you download)
• Website visits when browsing • Website downloads
What effects does a botnet have on a device?
When a device joins a botnet, the hacker or botnet owner can:
• copy all existing data from the device
• download malicious apps/payload on the device
• block outgoing and incoming calls and texts
• make calls and send texts
• gain access to user accounts (Net banking details, username, password)
• use internet connection for malicious activities
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