Economic Fraud

News , newsmakers, news bulletins, news channels and the use and impact of news has all been transformed in the last two months and it has not been because of COVID-19. As in the case of economy or the health infrastructure, the downslide either become critical or more conspicuous because of the pandemic. The symptoms and more the nature of the spread of that disease was pretty visible even before March 2020. Rightly or wrongly there has been a reason, how much of it could have been arrested is certainly open to debate. In the case of electronic media, nothing of this nature was there, still it nearly met the same fate.
The only difference was here they lost life and livelihood, also got struck by fear psychosis, in the case of the electronic media, the cash registers kept on ringing, but everything else was decimated. What is news is the biggest question today? Facts, figures or editorials of yesteryears or a permutation / combination of it. The objectivity of the editors and editorials could change the narrative of the day. Today, we have editors and even chief editors of news channels never known by that designation. Seems editor as a pillar of democracy has been lost forever. What is news then? A figment of imagination or a small fact enmeshed in a haystack of imagination. It does not end here, you have breaking news and a variety of them with the biggest possible fonts, colour, transition slides and music to boot.
What happens where the editors / owners / anchors become models as well, of their products? When news and news programs have to be advertised. Then who are the news makers? Some locksmith or somebody you have decided of having been connected to a crime? Or is it a Twitter handle. News channels together today have made every single person of a household; servants, friends, relatives et al as new makers. They are more well known than people who have delivered so much in so many fields. The stories of Frontline Warriors. By killing a positive news / story, you kill the story maker as well, the world remains devoid of his goodness and an inspiration. Next in line is the News Bulletin. We are not very sure, if it is still on the menu. If there were to be a new bulletin of 20 mins in the morning and evening, the 24 hours broadcasters would find it difficult even to create it. News can registered as a missing case.
Then comes the very definition of a news channel. In grim economic scenario we are in, if the news channels was asked not to take advertisements, their relentless battle for the cause of the common man and the nation would dry up in no time. Advertisement money could go in for COVID-19 requirements. News channel is a business and a propaganda tool and as narrated, they have very little to do with news. It would be interesting to study the vision and mission statements of these channels / organisations, if the have any and their modalities of accomplishing it. And finally, their role to keep the people informed and aware. Informed on what is the question. Confusion confounded for no reason but of business or whatever gain. COVID-19, the battle for life /livelihood, the tragic economic situation et al don’t figure in the news agenda of the nation. The nation wants to know.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.