Cyber Crime
New Social Media Rule In UAE: Stricter Punishment For Fake Accounts, Rumors, Pornography; Read Full List Of Fines

DUBAI: Legal experts have warned that posting or distributing unofficial news or information from unauthorised sources on social media might result in severe fines in the UAE.
New revisions to the UAE’s Cybercrime Law have made it more difficult to create fake accounts for others, emails, or websites for official institutions, as reported by Khaleej Times.
The new rule makes it more difficult to commit email fraud or impersonate others on social media sites for the goal of defrauding others.
People can face up to five years in prison and a fine of up to Dh2 million if they break the law.
Federal Law 5 of 2012, the Cybercrimes Law, has been significantly amended by the new Federal Decree Law No 34 of 2021, which covers offences committed online.
When can you take pictures and videos of people without permission?
The public is not permitted to post, publish, or disseminate films of violations or criminal conduct in the UAE under any circumstances.
The only time people are allowed to take photos or record films of crimes or infractions of any type without the other party’s permission is if they want to share the evidence with authorities.
After a video depicting UAE defence forces thwarting Houthi terrorist strikes was distributed on social media, the UAE Public Prosecution warned the public to refrain from disseminating content that could jeopardise national security and cause panic.
Here are the full list of penalties and fines for committing social media violations
• Disturbing public opinion, causing panic or endangering national security and affairs – one year in prison and a Dh100,000 fine
• False news, rumours, and misleading or erroneous information that contradicts official pronouncements – one year in prison and a Dh100,000 fine
• False news during pandemics, emergencies, or crises carries a two-year prison sentence and a Dh200,000 fine.
• Taking photos or films of someone without their permission — six months in prison and/or a fine of Dh150,000-Dh500,000
• Photographs or films of accident or crisis victims, dead or alive — six months in prison and/or a fine of Dh150,000-Dh500,000
• Harmful comments, news, images, or information on a person — six months in prison and/or a fine of Dh150,000-Dh500,000
• False or misleading advertisements – jail sentence and/or a fine of Dh20,000-Dh500,000
• Defamatory information or data on a foreign country – six months in prison and/or a fine of Dh100,000 to Dh500,000
• Pornography or indecent content carries a prison sentence and/or a fine of Dh250,000 to Dh500,000.
• Blasphemy and religious defamation content carries a prison sentence and/or a fine of Dh250,000 to Dh1 million.
• Donation-gathering content – jail sentence and/or a fine of Dh200,000-Dh500,000
• Promotional content for unregistered medical products carries a penalty of up to a year in prison and/or a monetary penalty.
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