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UPI Scam in Mumbai: Duo Fakes Payment, Absconds with Valuable Gold Chain



UPI Scam in Mumbai: Duo Fakes Payment, Absconds with Valuable Gold Chain

Mumbai: Two young men pulled off a daring heist in a Ghatkopar jewellery shop on Tuesday evening, escaping with a gold chain under the guise of a failed UPI payment. The shopkeeper, initially fooled by the ruse, realized the money hadn’t been transferred and gave chase, but the duo sped away on their bike.

Crafty Crooks: The two men entered the shop, seemingly interested in buying a gold chain. One of them tried on the chain and expressed his desire to purchase it. The shopkeeper prepared the receipt and offered the UPI scanner for payment.

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Network Hiccup: Claiming a network issue, one of the men stepped outside with his phone, supposedly to transfer the money. “He took my phone number and said he would pay,” recounted the shop owner in the FIR.

Deceptive Message: Moments later, the shopkeeper received a message from an unknown mobile number confirming a payment of Rs 24,500, the exact cost of the chain. “He came back and showed me the message,” said the shopkeeper, unaware it wasn’t a legitimate bank notification.

Caught in the Act: Confident of the payment, the shopkeeper was about to hand over the chain when he realized the money wasn’t reflected in his bank account. Upon questioning the men, they abruptly fled the shop, chain in hand.

Futile Chase: The victim attempted to chase the young men, who quickly disappeared on their bike. “We have CCTV footage of them leaving,” informed a police officer. A complaint has been filed at the local Ghatkopar police station.

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Festive Foul Play: This incident comes as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance during the festive season, when scams and fraudulent activities are more prevalent. Shopkeepers and customers alike should be cautious of suspicious transactions and verify all payments thoroughly before handing over valuables.

Stay Alert, Stay Safe: This case highlights the importance of:

  • Verifying bank notifications: Always check if a payment confirmation comes directly from your bank, not an unknown number.
  • Not handing over valuables until payment is confirmed: Don’t rely solely on messages or verbal claims of payment.
  • Reporting suspicious activity immediately: Inform the authorities promptly in case of any fraudulent attempt.

By remaining vigilant and adopting safe practices, we can deter such crimes and ensure a secure and joyful festive season.

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