Cyber Crime
I4C Now an Attached Office of MHA: More Responsive and More Powers
I4C is now an Attached Office of the MHA, enhancing its role in combating cybercrime with new responsibilities and powers. Key projects include JMIS, CFCFRMS – 1930, Pratibimb, Mobile Blocking Portal, and National Cybercrime Reporting Portal.

New Delhi: To increase the country’s capability to deal with cybercrime, Ministry of Home Affairs issued an order for setting up the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) as an Attached Office of MHA. The said measure, with effect from 1st July, 2024, was formally accepted by the competent authority and is going to be one big leap ahead in the fight against cybercrime.
Strengthened Role and Responsibilities of I4C
I4C has been at the forefront in executing a few high-impact projects concerning digital safety and security for the citizens of India. Some of the highlights of these projects include several major initiatives taken up by I4C that address various aspects of cybercrime prevention, reporting, and management.
ALSO READ: Government Empowers I4C To Expedite Takedown of Illegal Online Content
- JCCT Management Information System (JMIS): Joint Cyber Crime Coordination Team (JCCT) is one of the verticals of Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) for Inter States/UTs coordination, sharing of information like name, residence, mobile number of cyber criminals and case details, etc. among States/UTs LEAs.
- CFCFRMS-1930—Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System: Dedicated helpline-cum-management system for reporting and redressal of financial cyber fraud. Helpline–1930 proved instrumental in facilitating swiftness in help to the victim of financial cybercrime.
- Pratibimb: Pratibimb will enable law enforcement agencies to map and track the locations of active mobile numbers which are used for criminal activities. This innovative web platform not only aggregates data but also employs geospatial mapping to pinpoint the physical locations of mobile numbers associated with cybercrimes. The platform is accessible only to authorized officers, providing them with an invaluable edge in tracking down digital wrongdoers.
- Mobile Blocking Portal: This is a web portal that allows citizens to block their lost or stolen mobile devices to prevent their misuse and personal data from being compromised. It serves as a necessary weapon in the hands of the public to safeguard their mobile devices from falling into any such potential threat.
- National Cybercrime Reporting Portal: It is a single-stop portal that allows citizens to report cybercrime incidents related to all types of cybercrime. This portal ensures a simple and hassle-free complainant lodging process and due ensures appropriate action on the same.
ALSO READ: I4C’s Cybercrime Combat: Inside India’s Strategic Battle Against Digital Threats
Legal Empowerment and Responsibilities
Setting up of I4C as an Attached Office has come within weeks after it was empowered under Section 79(3)(b) of the IT Act to notify illegal content on the internet. It is this order of authority that enables I4C to have stringent action with great dispatch in all online content infringement on the laws of India. This can be thus a step that is of urgent necessity in enhancing the cyber-safety framework in the nation, since it now provides I4C the mandate to substantively handle the menace of illegal online content.
official notice and execution
The details of this big organizational change have been laid down in an official order dated 5th June 2024, signed by Under Secretary Chandra Dutt Sharma. The notification has been circulated to various departments and officials, including the Prime Minister’s Office, National Security Advisor, Cabinet Secretary, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure wide circulation for its proper implementation.
This shift to the status of an Attached Office would entail more responsibilities and powers for the I4C so that it is better coordinated and informed in its initiatives. The move is likely to enhance the country’s capabilities manifold in handling the growing menace of cybercrime by adopting a more structured and empowered approach.
The enhanced role of I4C underscores the commitment of this government to its grappling with the challenges of cybercrime. This means that, through its enhanced status, I4C will now take the lead in developing fresh ideas and strategies aimed at protecting citizens and organizations from various hazards in the digital world. Its coordination with several governmental agencies and the mandate to act against illegal content online will ensure a much stronger and more holistic approach toward the management of crimes in cyberspace.