Research & Opinion
How To Report Your Cyber Fraud Complaint With RBI, SEBI & IRDA

What is Sachet?
RBI, the largest organization of banks, has come up with a portal named Sachet for the safety of the people. … it has been told that you have to deposit your money only in registered banks or non-banking institutions. Along with this, information about institutions like SEBI, IRDA etc. has also been given on the portal. Various information has been provided here to help the people who are involved in fraud. On the other hand, if any fraud has happened with you, then you are also being given a direct link to complain against these companies.
Caution: Your money is stuck in a chit fund company, then you can complain to RBI like this
A common man earns his money by working very hard. To make money grow faster, he invests it. But in the pursuit of this earning, many times we get caught in the circle of fraudulent companies and spend our entire earnings in one go. Hundreds of financial scams have come to the fore in the country in the last decade, in which lakhs of people have lost crores. Despite all the efforts of the government, the process of this loot and deception continues.
But according to RBI, the largest body of banks, if any institution has accepted money illegally or has not returned the deposited money, then you can be ‘Sachet’ ( You can file a complaint on Huh. Along with this, any information related to such organization can be shared on this portal.
It has been told on the Sachet portal that if someone is giving a loan at a cheaper rate, then investing at a higher rate is getting the benefit. Or if you are talking about doubling your money in a couple of years, then you should be careful. It has been told that you have to deposit your money in registered banks or non-banking institutions only.
National Housing Bank (NHB) National Housing Bank has been established under the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 to promote housing finance institutions as the main agency for operation and to provide financial and other assistance to such institutions. The Grievance Redressal Mechanism of National Housing Bank is meant to provide a simple, speedy and cost effective mechanism to the disgruntled parties of NHB / dissatisfied consumers of HFCs. It is not meant to replace the existing judicial or quasi-judicial forums/redressal of grievances/redressal of grievances available to the aggrieved person. Therefore, the complainant is free to approach the available forum at any stage, i.e. during the pendency of the complaint or even when the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome before using the above mechanism. The Grievance Registration and Information Database System (GRID) provides the facility of online registration and tracking of complaints to the complainant. Grids not only bring transparency in our grievance redressal mechanism but are also designed for online updation of responses by NHB/HFC. The complainant can use the grid for registration and subsequent status tracking by providing the required information like name, contact details, application/deposit/account number etc.
SEBI: How to make a complaint
There will be occasions when you will have a complaint against a listed company/intermediary registered with SEBI. In case of such complaint, you should first approach the concerned company/intermediary against whom you have a complaint. However, you may not be satisfied with their response. Hence, you must know who you should approach for redressal of your grievance.
SEBI takes up complaints related to issue and transfer of securities and non-payment of dividend with listed companies. Apart from this SEBI also takes complaints against various intermediaries registered with it and related issues. SCORES facilitates you to register your complaint online with SEBI and view its status later. While all efforts have been made to make this web site as authentic as possible, please refer the printed version, notified gazette copies of the Acts/Rules/Regulations for use before SEBI or any other authority. SEBI will not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/entity due to any inadvertent deficiency, defect or inaccuracy in the SEBI web site. Any discrepancy may be brought to the notice of
How to complain if you are unhappy with your insurance company
Contact the Grievance Redressal Officer of its branch or any other office you deal with. Submit your complaint in writing along with necessary supporting documents. Take a written acknowledgment of your complaint along with the date. The insurance company should resolve your complaint within a reasonable time. If it is not resolved within 15 days or if you are unhappy with their resolution you can contact the Grievance Redressal Cell of Consumer Affairs Department, IRDAI whose toll free number is 155255 (or) call on 1800 4254 732 or Send an e-mail to Use IRDAI’s online portal – Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS): Register and monitor your complaint at Send a letter to IRDAI with your complaint.: Fill the complaint registration form with any letter or attachments and send it by post or courier, if required, to the following address:
General manager
Consumer Affairs Department- Grievance Redressal Cell,
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI),
Sy.No.115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032
How to file a complaint with PFRDA
The present structure of the Consumer Grievance Redressal System under the National Pension System has a multi-layered grievance redressal mechanism which is easily accessible, simple, quick, fair, responsive and effective. Subscribers have various options to register their complaints/grievances; However, it would be desirable that complaints/complaints are directly registered in the Central Grievance Management System through web based interface, details of which are given below:
1. Web Based Interface for Registering Grievances/Complaints:
Subscriber can register his/her grievance/complaint in the Central Grievance Management System through the following web link.
On successful registration, a token number will be displayed on the screen, which can be noted down and used for future references and tracking of the complaint.
2. Other ways to lodge a complaint/complaint:
i. Call Center / Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)
Subscribers can contact CRA Call Center at toll free telephone number 1-800-222080 and register their complaint. While opening Permanent Retirement Account under NPS, the subscriber has to authenticate himself through the use of T-PIN allotted to him. On successful registration of the complaint, a token number will be allotted by the customer care representative for any future reference.
ii. physical form
Subscriber can submit the complaint in the prescribed format to the POP-SP who will forward the same to the CRA Central Grievance Management System (CGMS). Subscriber has to mention his/her PRAN as a means of authentication. On submission of the form to the POP-SP, he will get an acknowledgment receipt. The token number will be emailed to the subscriber (if email id is mentioned), otherwise it will be emailed to the concerned POP-SP. The subscriber can obtain the token number from the POP-SP on production of the acknowledgment receipt.
3. If the complainant is not satisfied with the redressal of his grievance or it has not been resolved by the arbitrator by the end of thirty days of the filing of the complaint, he may refer the complaint to the National Pension System Trust (NPS Trust). , ) through any one of the following means –
Letter: Subscriber can also lodge complaint by writing to NPS Trust at the following address –
Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO)
NPS Trust, 3rd Floor, B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhavan,
Qutub Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai
New Delhi – 110016
4. How to check complaint status?
Subscriber can check the status of complaint on CRA website or through call center by mentioning token number.
5. Lokpal Details:
Presently there is only one Lokpal appointed by PFRDA and the name of Lokpal is Shri Arnab Roy.
Address: Mr. Arnab Roy
C/o Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority,
Plot No-14/A,
Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
Qutub Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110016.
Email ID:
Landline Number: 011 – 26517507 Extn: 188.
6. For any assistance or clarification in matters relating to grievance redressal, the customer may contact the Grievance Redressal Cell of the Authority at the following address:
Grievance Redressal Cell
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
Qutub Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai
New Delhi – 110016.
Tel No – 011-26517501,011-26517503,011-26517097
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