Cyber Crime
Gujarat Police Seeks FBI Help To Track Anand Niketan School Cyber Stalker

AHMEDABAD: After a year of searching for the cyber stalker who sent email threats and manipulated photographs of several girl students at Anand Niketan Satellite school via the dark web, cybercrime investigators have turned to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States for assistance. A team from the city’s cybercrime unit travelled to Delhi and called the FBI’s India office for help in solving the case.
When the city was in the grip of the Covid-19 outbreak a year ago, a cyber stalker threatened to postpone the school’s exams or disseminate photos (morphed) of some female students on social media to slander the school. The school had filed a complaint with the city’s cyber unit.
The stalker didn’t leave it at that. In October 2020, he hacked into an online class and sent roughly four threat emails, as well as uploading morphed photographs of at least six schoolgirls. Because cyber cell sleuths were unable to break into the dark web browser, they relied on tip-offs and intelligence inputs to solve the case.
According to a cyber crime investigator, the stalker has sent four more emails and two WhatsApp messages since then, making bizarre demands such as exam delay.
Sleuths said they found over 1,000 people affiliated with the school, including present and former students who may have a grievance against the administration, but they couldn’t break the cyber stalker’s dark web browser.
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They also attempted to track down VPN (virtual private network) servers in 25 countries around the world — a safe haven for cyber criminals because VPN covers IP addresses – but were unsuccessful.
Gujarat police, on the other hand, have taken up the issue as a challenge. “This is the country’s only case of its kind.” We tried everything we could, but we were unable to break the black web browser. A team of cyber sleuths was recently dispatched to Delhi to meet with FBI officials and formally enlist their help in tracking down the stalker,” claimed a senior police official.
Meanwhile, FBI officials in India have been requested to communicate with Gujarat ATS authorities.
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