Cyber Crime
Jamtara’s Fake Calls Network Busted: Here Is How Cyber Criminals Arrange Fake Accounts, SIMs and ewallet

Ever thought why each time probing a cybercrime case, investigating agencies say the money was transferred to a fake account? The most pertinent question is how do criminals get these fake accounts or random e-wallets in which they park their illegal money.
Cybercrime team of Uttar Pradesh has cracked the network of fake callers from Jamatara and their agents spread in different states who are arranging bank accounts, e-wallets and fake SIMs by charging their commission.
Unfortunately, the main account holders in most of these cases are unaware that his/her documents or banking details are misused to carry out online banking fraud running in several crores.
While investigating cybercrime cases, Uttar Pradesh police have unearthed the most important link of these scams which is how hoax accounts are created and how money is spun through these accounts.
Explaining the Modus Operandi, Superintendent of Police, Cyber Crime Triveni Singh said in any kind of financial fraud be it phishing calls, banking scam, fake call centres etc always bank account of someone who is completely unrelated to the case is used. On most of the occasions, the real owner of these accounts doesn’t have an idea of any wrongdoing.
Singh added that scammers, cybercriminals and especially those operating in Jamtara have a strong network of agents. “These agents are paid anything between Rs 10,000-15,000 from which they pay Rs 5,000 to the account owner. Usually, they take the document of the account owner saying that their bank account will be used to deposit tax-free money coming from foreign countries or money which is part of a government scheme. Most of these account owners are uneducated and located in rural areas,” Singh said.
Triveni Singh who has cracked a series of cybercrime cases in past said, these agents roam village to village and try to fool or lure people by giving different offers.
“Their sole objective is to get documents from them especially Aadhar using which they can open bank accounts, issue fake SIM and start e-wallets. These accounts and SIMs are then used by cybercriminals operating from different states. This is done to keep police out of the reach of the mastermind of the gang,” he explained.
Once a crime is reported to police their first action is to freeze the account and as soon the account is kept under watch the cybercriminal stops using it and starts operating from the new account and a new SIM card.
In the latest breakthrough, Cyber Crime Police of UP has arrested four cybercriminals who were identified as Rehman, Ajay Singh, Dileep Mahto and Ramayan. Police have also identified other callers and agents linked to the gang. The gang members have amassed huge wealth and have bought several properties.
Police is trying to ascertain the money and properties they have made through cyber crime.
Triveni Singh said these cybercriminals are working like corporate they have delegated work to their agents spread across India. They arrange fake accounts and SIM which are used by fake callers to rotate their money.
Singh said if the involvement of account holder is found action is taken against them. He highlighted that every individual should ensure that their documents, account or SIM is not being misused as it can land them in big trouble.