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From Promised Jobs to Cyber Slavery: Mohali Agents’ Cyber Crime Operation in Cambodia Busted

Punjab Police arrested two Mohali travel agents for trafficking Punjabis to Cambodia, forcing them into cyber crimes. Victim’s escape and testimony sparked a major investigation and crackdown.



Mohali Agents Caught in International Cyber Crime and Trafficking Ring
Punjab Police arrest Mohali travel agents involved in trafficking Punjabis to Cambodia and forcing them into cyber crimes. (AI-Generated Image For Representative Purpose)

The Punjab Police’s Cyber Crime Division arrested two travel agents from Mohali on Wednesday. The agents are accused of luring unsuspecting victims from Punjab with promises of dream jobs in Cambodia, only to force them into a cybercrime nightmare.

The Deceptive Scheme

The arrested individuals, Amarjeet Singh, owner of Visa Palace Immigration in Mohali, and his accomplice Gurjodh Singh, preyed on people seeking work. They dangled the carrot of high-paying data entry jobs in Cambodia. However, the reality for the victims was far more sinister.

From Job Seekers to Forced Laborers

According to Punjab’s Director General of Police (DGP) Gaurav Yadav, upon arrival in Siem Reap, Cambodia, the victims’ passports were ruthlessly confiscated. Their dreams of a better life quickly turned into a forced labor situation. They were coerced into working in call centers designed to scam Indian citizens.

The investigation into this horrifying scheme began with a courageous escape. A victim managed to flee Cambodia and reach out to the Indian embassy, sparking a police probe.

Wider Web of Exploitation Suspected

DGP Yadav revealed that the initial investigation suggests a much larger operation. The accused may have sent numerous people to Cambodia and other Southeast Asian nations, where they were likely forced to participate in cyber fraud targeting Indians.

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Authorities are working diligently to gather information on these potential victims and establish contact with them and their families.

Police Take Action and Warn Public

The State Cyber Crime police station, led by Inspector Deepak Bhatia, swiftly raided the Visa Palace Immigration office and apprehended both suspects.

ADGP (Cyber Crime Division) V Neeraja revealed a disturbing detail – the accused confessed to collaborating with agents from other states. Further investigation is underway to identify and apprehend these accomplices, dismantling the entire network.

ADGP Neeraja’s Urgent Advice

ADGP Neeraja stressed the importance of public vigilance. She urged people to be wary of similar deceptive immigration practices and avoid falling prey to agents offering unrealistic employment opportunities abroad, particularly in Southeast Asia.

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She emphasized the crucial step of thoroughly researching potential employers, especially when “data entry operator” positions are advertised. Furthermore, she strongly advised against engaging in any illegal cyber activities and encouraged people to seek help from the Indian embassy if they find themselves in trouble.

Help and Resources Available

The Ministry of External Affairs has established a valuable resource, the Overseas Workers Resource Centre (OWRC). This one-stop shop assists individuals seeking employment abroad. The OWRC operates a 24/7 helpline (1800113090) to provide emigrants and their families with essential information and support.

Punjab residents who suspect they or someone they know may be victims of this alleged scam are urged to contact the State Cyber Crime Division helpline at 0172-2226258. This helpline can connect them with the Ministry of External Affairs for further assistance.

Staying Safe Online: Tips and Tricks

With online scams on the rise, it’s important to know how to protect yourself. Here are some easy-to-follow tips:

  1. Be skeptical of flashy ads Don’t fall for social media posts or pop-ups promising big money. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
  2. Question high-return promises Real investments usually offer steady, modest growth. Be cautious of apps claiming huge returns.
  3. Double-check before you pay Always verify account details before sending money. A tiny mistake could cost you big time.
  4. Be careful with strangers Avoid money deals with people you don’t know well. Make sure to check their credentials first.
  5. Stay alert on dating apps Don’t let romance cloud your judgment. Verify identities before making any financial commitments.
  6. Report problems right away If you think you’ve been scammed, don’t wait! Contact the National Cyber Crime Helpline at 1930 or visit to file a report.

Need help in Cambodia? If you’re an Indian national in Cambodia and need assistance, contact the Embassy:

The Embassy is here to help and will keep monitoring the situation.

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