Corona A New Weapon: Covid-Infected Letters Used To Target Politicians Worldwide – Interpol

New Delhi: When everyone in the world is looking for a solution from Covid-19, criminals are using it as a weapon. Interpol has cautioned the law enforcement agencies including the ones in India to stay alert from COVID-19 contaminated letters that can be sent to target the political figures.
In its latest guidelines the Interpol, the international criminal police organizationhas asked all the security agencies to remain vigilant and increase monitoring related to intentional act with the actual risk of spreading coronavirus. Although the coronavirus, as now known, is not a bio-weapon, there are good chances of it being used that way.
The agency said in the guidelines that there have been instances of individuals spitting and coughing in the faces of the law enforcement officers, health practitioners and other essential workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The organisation added that even though there is a limited risk, there are few cases of “threatening letters” allegedly contaminated with the viral infection to target the political figures.
“Instances of individuals spitting and coughing in the faces of law enforcement officers, health practitioners and essential workers to intimidate them. This could represent a risk if these individuals are infected with Covid-19,” the guidelines said.
“Attempts at deliberate contamination by spitting and coughing on surfaces and objects have been reported. Despite limited risk, a few cases of threatening letters allegedly contaminated with Covid-19 targeted political figures. This modus operandi could also target other vulnerable groups,” it said.
The international agency also said that the COVID-19 infected individuals can attempt to travel from non-affected areas despite tier medical conditions or travel restrictions.
Interpol also said that there have been reported instances of persons selling contaminated samples of body fluids online while viewing the pandemic as an opportunity for easy cash for ‘predatory criminals’ to take advantage.