C3iHUB-IIT Kanpur To Hold Cyber Security Hackathon 2021: Read Details To Apply

NOIDA: IIT Kanpur – C3i Hub is calling for entries for its 2021 Cyber Security Hackathon. It is specially designed by the Professors at the C3ihub.
The participating teams will have the opportunity to identify, assess, build and test robust cyber defence solutions to a given practical problem. In the process, they will get an opportunity to get mentored by eminent faculty of IIT Kanpur C3i Hub.
All participants get to attend webinars by Industry experts, and the possibility of Incubating your winning solutions into a Startup supported by Industry or IIT Kanpur C3iHub.
C3i Hub at IIT Kanpur is among the top research centers in the world and India’s number one Research Center on Cyber Security and Cyber Defense of a Cyber-Physical System.
C3i Hub at IIT Kanpur addresses the issue of cybersecurity of a cyber physical system in its entirety, covering all nine layers of the cyber physical system. The C3iHub Incubates Inter-Disciplinary Innovations by providing opportunities to investigate, test and assess cyber threats in different layers and then find solutions to make the system safe from cyber threats.
Who can participate: Technology Enthusiasts, Employed Professionals, Students, All Graduates, or Startups.
Registration Link : , Registrations are open till 18th October 2021
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